Application description

This application provides you a direct access to the current and forecast meteorological information of your favorite airports (up to 20 airports can be defined). It requires an internet connection and uses only METAR and TAF messages as a source of information (note that not all airports have METAR or TAF messages).


Select your favorite airports

The main screen can display up to 20 airports METAR.

Tap the bottom button “Add airport” to add an airport in the main screen.

Use the smart keyboard to enter the code of your airport. It is added to the list.

Swipe the airport to the left to remove it ! That’s all !

Tap the top logo on the main view to enter the configuration menu and select your units for visibility, temperature and pressure.

Meteorological data

The main view shows the most important data of the METAR messages of your favorite airports.

Note that the airport must have METAR messages. If it has no messages, nothing will be displayed but a grey block with the code you entered.

Depending on the number of airports displayed in the main view, the METAR fields are shown on different pages, changed every 3 seconds.

Tap any airport visible on the main list and get all the data you need in one screen: position, altitude and decoded METAR message and TAF message if available.

The application gives you a clear decoded version of the latest METAR of the airport if it exists.

If the airport has TAF messages, read also the weather forecast.

TAF messages have never been so easy to read with the new TAF-on-WHEEL® display. Turn the wheel of your watch to read the time range of the TAF message hour per hour.

Check the evolution of the most important METAR parameters during the last hours with the new charts for pressure, temperatures, wind, clouds base and visibility.


Video to be released soon...

Release notes

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